
Become a GCRA Contractor

Create a Lasting Impact in the Lives of Greenville County Residents

Through our work with builders and contractors, GCRA offers the dream of affordable homeownership to new buyers throughout Greenville County. Our efforts also allow us to provide safe, well-kept communities that spur economic development and pride.  Help us to continue the dream by becoming an approved builder and bidding on projects.

Current Bid Opportunities:

There are no projects currently out for bid.

The following requirements apply to all GCRA projects:

Any bids received which do not comply with the following will not be accepted.

Bids may not be submitted via email or other digital format (unless otherwise noted).

For proper bid submission, they must be sealed (wet-sealed or taped closed), and may be delivered by hand, US Mail, UPS, FedEx, or other carrier.  GCRA takes no responsibility for failure by carrier to deliver bids on time; bids arriving late will not be considered.

Sealed bid envelopes must be marked clearly with the words “BID ENCLOSED”, the particular project and bid opening date/time, and the bidder’s company/address information.  In the case of shipping, this inner envelope must be placed into a shipping pack to be addressed to the attention of GCRA’s Operations Director.

(These and other bidding requirements may be found in the latest edition of the GCRA General Construction Specifications, available for download on the Approved Contractors tab of this web page.)

GCRA Bid Results

Miller & Old Mill Roads Sidewalks, City of Mauldin: A low bid of $73,330.00 was received from Foothills Contracting Service (Central, SC).


In order to be considered/invited to bid GCRA projects, firms must be pre-approved as qualified bidders.  For information on applying, please see the Approved Contractors tab on this page.

Want to See Bid Results Older than 60 Days? Contact Us

Recent Projects


GCRA has redeveloped this former mobile home park off Biblebrook Road in the City of Greer into a new affordable home subdivision with new homes now under construction on Ruddy Creek Circle.


GCRA has built more than 70 houses over the past decade. We continue to build affordable houses in different sections of the community; we are currently building homeownership units on Walcott Street with more to come on Walcott and Scott Streets as well as Old Paris Mountain Road. Additional homeownership and rental opportunities will be available in the near future.

Travelers Rest

GCRA builds new, Energy Star-rated, affordable homes for the municipalities of Fountain Inn, Greer, Mauldin, Simpsonville, and Travelers Rest. This beautiful home with a large rocking-chair front porch was constructed in 2018 on Lipscombe Drive in the city limits of Travelers Rest.

Approved Contractors

Applying to Become a GCRA Contractor

All contractors must comply with GCRA’s General Construction Specifications (latest revision: 10/26/2023). Please familiarize yourself with this document.

If you’re interested in bidding on any GCRA job, you must first apply to become a GCRA-approved residential builder or general contractor. To be approved, please email (Operations Director and Project Coordinator email addresses below) your application along with the following supporting documents:

  • Residential builder or general contractor’s license
  • General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance certificate
  • W-9 Form
  • Renovation Repair & Painting Rule (RRP) certification for contractors who wish to bid on projects for repair of existing homes.

The Redevelopment Authority is an equal employment opportunity organization and prohibits job discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap or national origin.

The Redevelopment Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any formalities in the bidding process. Potential contractors need proof of license, general liability and workers’ compensation insurance, responsible credit, and prior professional work.

Current RFP/RFQ Opportunities

Lot Maintenance Services

Greenville, South Carolina is seeking Proposals for provide lot maintenance services for the Greenville County Redevelopment Authority (GCRA) for the term beginning April 1, 2025.  Contact Levi Chesney at the email address below to receive a full property inventory/scope of work.

Electronic submission of the proposal in Electronic Portable Document Format (PDF) is required, Via Email ( Submissions are due by 5:00 pm EDT on Monday March 31, 2025. Any proposal received after the deadline will not be reviewed. The GCRA reserves the right to reject any proposal and act in what it determines to be in the best interest of the citizens of Greenville County and to meet federal procurement requirements in accordance with federal regulation 24 CFR part 85.

All questions concerning this Request for Proposals are to be submitted no later than 1:30 p.m. EDT on Friday March 28, 2025.

Click the button below for the full RFP document.

Have questions about becoming a GCRA-approved contractor?

GCRA is now located in the new County Administration South Building (closest to University Ridge) on the fourth floor in Suite S-4300. You can also make payments here or by calling us. For office hours, see our contact page.