GCRA Announces New Executive Director

Greenville, SC – Greenville County Redevelopment Authority (GCRA) Board Chair, Charlotte Osmer, announced today that the Board had unanimously voted to hire Joe Smith as its Executive Director effective July 11, 2024. Mr. Smith has served as GCRA’s Operations Director since 2013. Ms. Osmer, who serves on the Executive Committee, said, “We, the Committee, felt good about recommending the hiring of Joe Smith, and the Board and as a whole was thrilled to have him as the next Executive Director. I have been on the Board for almost 12 years and have worked with three Executive Directors. I believe Joe will be very active in our communities; he has excellent communication skills with our special population and his management and leadership skills will continue to inspire all of our employees to do their best to provide safe, sound, decent, and affordable housing for modest income citizens.”

Before joining the GCRA team in 2013, Smith had worked for the Appalachian Council of Governments and the City of Greenville in the areas of community development, affordable housing, and economic development for low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.

The new Executive Director stated, “I am humbled and excited by the opportunity and confidence placed in me by the GCRA Board of Directors. I look forward to continuing the impact and success GCRA has historically had in the affordable housing and community development arena.”

John Castile, who is retiring as Executive Director, stated, “Mr. Joe Smith is a proven leader in the field of affordable housing and community revitalization. No one is more committed to GCRA’s mission or its clients. Mr. Smith will do an excellent job as the organization’s next Executive Director. Congratulations to both Joe and GCRA. Excellent choice!”

About GCRA

Established in 1974, the Greenville County Redevelopment Authority (GCRA) works to improve the living conditions of the county’s residents by building new homes, rehabilitating existing homes and improving the infrastructures within communities. We believe every resident in Greenville County deserves a chance to own or rent a home that fits within their budget. We focus on providing affordable housing, building safe, accessible neighborhoods, and offering grant and loan programs for businesses. Through community partnerships and administering funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), GCRA works to build a better quality of life for the citizens of Greenville County.

While affordable housing is the cornerstone of a healthy community, strong community partnerships make it possible for GCRA to conduct beautification and public works projects such as improving streets, installing sidewalks, community lighting plans, drainage and sewer improvements, and community greenspace, which are important assets of a safe and beautiful community.

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GCRA is now located in the new County Administration South Building (closest to University Ridge) on the fourth floor in Suite S-4300. You can also make payments here or by calling us. For office hours, see our contact page.